Genius In C++ Programming In 12 Days - Basic To Advanced

Posted By: ELK1nG

Genius In C++ Programming In 12 Days - Basic To Advanced
Published 6/2023
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 16.59 GB | Duration: 33h 16m

Hands-on sessions - Features of C++11 | C++14 | C++17| C++20 and STL- Interview Perspective -Both Academics and Industry

What you'll learn

OOPS real world entities with real world programs, STL, Exception Handling, RTTI, Templates.

Polymorphims-Operator & Function Overloading, virtual function,vtable and much more.

Inheritance and lots of more in depth.

Advanced features of C++ - C++11 with configuration setup on IDE.

Practical workshops on IDE for complete Course with access of complete source code.

Line to line explanation of each instruction for all the programs.


Codeblocks IDE to compile and run the code, Computer running Microsoft Windows, Linux or Mac Operating systems.

Pre-Requisite knowledge of any programming not required.

If you are really interested in cracking interview in IT Industry.


This course covers C++ from very basic to more advanced features.The course content is 34 hours.Concepts of C++ programming are made very simple and easy.Every lecture is discussed with programs and execution in IDE.Every Topic is explained with Real life Examples.This course also covers features of modern C++ 11/ C++14/ C++17/ C++20.You will be learning concepts perfectly and also learn how to perfectly utilize features of C++. you will be confident to develop any type of Application using C++.What will I learn?Classes and ObjectsOOPS concepts in detail.ConstructorsDestructorsOperator OverloadingInheritancePolymorphismAbstract ClassesFunction OverloadingFunction OverridingFriend MembersStatic MembersShallow Copy & Deep CopyAssignment OperatorCopy ConstructorsExplicit ConstructorsVirtual FunctionsVirtual PointersVirtual TableObject SlicingTemplatesException HandlingRTTIdynamic_cast, const_cast, static_cast, reinterpret_castI/O StreamsSorting AlgorithmSearching Algorithm & other algorithmsIteratorSTLArray, Vector, List, Deque ContainerMap, Set, MultiMap, MultiSetUnordered Map, Unordered Set, Unordered MultiMap, Unordered MultiSetAdapter Container - Stack, Queue & Priority Queuestd pairFunctorWhy enrolling this Course will be the best decision for you?1. You will get to know about Basic to Modern C++ and will be able to sync it with real time examples2. You will be able to write C++ projects and will also be able to execute it on IDE3. You will be able to develop skill power logical and verbal wise too.4. You will be able to crack any interview in today's IT Industry.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Computer running Microsoft Windows, Linux or Mac Operating systems.Who this course is for:C Developers, C++ Developers, Java Developers, php Developers etc.College Students/ Freshers, TrainersIn addition with all those who interested in cracking interviewAlso Other Language DevelopersTesters, Freelancers


Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Introduction

Section 2: Overview of OOPS

Lecture 2 Concepts of Class Object Encapsulation Abstraction Polymorphism

Lecture 3 Friend function Constructor Destructor Static members & Static member function

Lecture 4 Concept of Inheritance access specifier, member function definition with program

Lecture 5 Explanation of Friend Function & Class with program execution and Pros & Cons

Section 3: Constructor & Destructor with Program & Execution

Lecture 6 Explanation of Constructor & Types of Constructors with program & execution

Lecture 7 Concepts of Types of Copy Constructor

Lecture 8 Shallow Copy Constructor with program & execution

Lecture 9 Deep Copy Constructor with program & execution

Lecture 10 Concepts of Destructor with program & execution

Lecture 11 Explicit Constructor with program & execution

Lecture 12 What is Initializer List and when to use it in Constructor

Section 4: Polymorphism

Lecture 13 Function Overloading (Compile Time Polymorphism) with program & execution

Lecture 14 Use Cases of Function Overloading with Real Time Examples

Lecture 15 Concepts of Operator Overloading

Lecture 16 Operator Overloading with Program & Execution and Usage of Operators

Lecture 17 Conversion Operator & Run Time Polymorphism with Program & Execution

Lecture 18 Virtual Function - Early/Late Binding & Virtual Table & Virtual Pointer -Program

Lecture 19 Assignment Operator vs Copy Constructor with Program & Execution

Section 5: Operator Overloading

Lecture 20 Pre-increment Post-increment & Array[] Operator Overloading with Program

Lecture 21 Operator Overloading(->, <<, >>) Array Out of Bound Operator Overloading-Program

Section 6: Virtual Functions

Lecture 22 Virtual Function with Default Argument with Program & Execution

Lecture 23 Interview Related Lecture on Virtual Function, Virtual Constructor/Destructor

Lecture 24 Concepts of Object Slicing with Program

Section 7: Inheritance

Lecture 25 Access Modes of Inheritance with Program & Execution

Lecture 26 Types of Inheritance & Diamond Problem with Program & Execution

Section 8: IO System

Lecture 27 Formatting Input Output System Using Members of ios Class with Program

Lecture 28 Formatting Input Output System Using Manipulators with Programs & Execution

Section 9: RTTI

Lecture 29 RTTI - typeid with Runtime Polymorphism with Program & Execution

Lecture 30 Concept of dynamic_cast - Casting Operator

Lecture 31 dynamic_cast and Difference of typeid & dynamic_cast with Program & Execution

Lecture 32 const_cast and static_cast and reinterpret_cast with Program & Execution

Lecture 33 Assignment of Application of RTTI using typeid to Determine Count of Object

Section 10: Exception Handling

Lecture 34 Exception Handling Concept and keywords used to handle exception

Lecture 35 Multiple programs for different scenerios of Exception with execution on IDE

Lecture 36 Program & Execution of throwing exception of object of class, multiple catches

Lecture 37 Handling derived class exception & how to define generic catch for all exception

Lecture 38 Restricting exceptions with program and execution on IDE

Lecture 39 Terminate and Unxpected - setting terminates and unexpected handlers

Section 11: Templates

Lecture 40 Function template & difference between function template & function overloading

Lecture 41 Class Templates

Lecture 42 Class Templates with default parameter

Lecture 43 Class Function Template Specialization

Lecture 44 Function Template with Static Variable

Lecture 45 Class Templates with Static Variable

Section 12: STL - Algorithms

Lecture 46 STL Algorithms - Sorting

Lecture 47 STL Algorithms - Searching

Lecture 48 STL Algorithms - accumulate, reverse, itoa, stable partition

Lecture 49 STL Algorithms - all_of and any_of algorithm

Lecture 50 STL Algorithms -numeric_limits class template

Section 13: Iterators

Lecture 51 Introduction to Iterator & Types of Iterator

Lecture 52 Random Access Iterator with program & execution on IDE

Lecture 53 Iterator Bidirectionalterator Part3

Lecture 54 Program & Execution of Iterator Bidirectionalterator

Lecture 55 Iterator Forward Input OutputIterator Part5

Section 14: STL Container

Lecture 56 STL Container Introduction, types of container and array container

Lecture 57 STL Array Container with program & execution Part1

Lecture 58 STL Array Container with program & execution Part2

Lecture 59 STL Vector Container

Lecture 60 Vector Container with program & execution, push_back, pop_back, insert and erase

Lecture 61 Vector Container to access vector elements through iterator and modify elements

Lecture 62 Vector Container to create vector of objects with program & execution on IDE

Lecture 63 Vector Container to check capacity, resize, shrinktofit, reserve with program

Lecture 64 Vector Container to assign, swap, emplace, difference between array & vector

Lecture 65 STL List Container

Lecture 66 List Container for push_back, push_front,sort, reverse with program & execution

Lecture 67 List Container for remove_if, splice with program & execution on IDE

Lecture 68 Forward_list assign, push_front, emplace_front, insert_after, remove_if etc.

Lecture 69 Forward List Container splice_after, swap, sort, = operator, merge, clear

Lecture 70 STL Container Deque for push_front, push_back, swap, insert & range based loop

Lecture 71 Set Associative Container

Lecture 72 Set Container-insert, erase single element & erase range with program& Execution

Lecture 73 Multiset-occurence of element, find, emplace, key_compare Program & Execution

Lecture 74 Multiset Container - Occurence of Element, find, emplace, key_compare - Program

Lecture 75 Map insertion using pair/erase/find/count/key_comp/value_comp/lower/upper bound

Lecture 76 MultiMap insertion - pair/erase/find/count/key_comp/value_comp/lower/upper bound

Lecture 77 Unordered Set - Insert/erase/find/count/clear/size/max_size/hash_function/swap..

Lecture 78 Unordered MultiSet - Insert/erase/find/count/clear/size/max_size/hash_function..

Lecture 79 Unordered Map - pair/erase/find/count/key_comp/value_comp/lower/upper bound

Lecture 80 Unordered MultiMap - Insert/erase/find/count/clear/size/max_size/hash_function..

Lecture 81 StringStream Class, Queue STL for push/pop/front/back - Program & Execution

Lecture 82 Priority Queue for push, top, swap etc - Program & Execution

Lecture 83 Stack for push, pop, top etc - Program & Execution

Section 15: STL Utility Pair

Lecture 84 Pair - Initialize pair, Methods of pair i.e. swap/tie/operators - Program

Section 16: STL Functors

Lecture 85 Introduction of Functor, Usecase of Functor, Pass by Values in Function

C Developers, C++ Developers, Java Developers,College Students/ Freshers, Trainers,In addition with all those who interested in cracking interview,Also Other Language Developers as C is Basic Fundamental language to all Other Languages,Testers, Freelancers