Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Embedded Control By
2007 | 727 Pages | ISBN: 1905209657 | PDF | 29 MB
2007 | 727 Pages | ISBN: 1905209657 | PDF | 29 MB
This book gathers together a selection of papers presented at the Joint CTS-HYCON Workshop on Nonlinear and Hybrid Control held at the Paris Sorbonne, France, 10-12 July 2006. The main objective of the Workshop was to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences and reinforce scientific contacts in the large multidisciplinary area of the control of nonlinear and hybrid systems.Content: Chapter 1 Ellipsoidal Output?Feedback Sets for H? Control of a Class of Stochastic Hybrid Systems with State?Dependent Noise (pages 3–21): Samir Aberkane, Jean Christophe Ponsart and Dominique SauterChapter 2 A Contribution to the Study of Periodic Systems in the Behavioral Approach (pages 23–38): Jose Carlos Aleixo, Jan Willem Polderman and Paula RochaChapter 3 Iteratively Improving Moving Horizon Observers for Repetitive Processes (pages 39–54): Ignacio Alvarado, Rolf Findeisen, Peter Kuhl, Frank Allgower and Daniel LimOnChapter 4 Exponential Stability of Dynamic Systems on Time Scales (pages 55–62): Zbigniew Bartosiewicz, Ewa Piotrowska and Alan S. I. ZinoberChapter 5 Jurdjevic?Quinn Conditions and Discontinuous Bounded Damping Control (pages 63–72): Alex Bombrun and Jean?Baptiste PometChapter 6 Smooth Approximations of Single?Input Optimal Orbital Transfer using Continuation and Averaging Techniques (pages 73–95): Bernard Bonnard, Jean?Baptiste Caillau and Romain DujolChapter 7 Achieving Stability in Non?holonomic Systems by Means of Switched Control Laws (pages 97–115): Daniele Casagrande, Alessandro Astolfi and Thomas ParisiniChapter 8 Stability of Equilibria for Hybrid Models of Genetic Regulatory Networks (pages 117–135): Richard Casey, Hidde de Jong and Jean?Luc GouzeChapter 9 Tools for Semiglobal Practical Stability Analysis of Cascaded Systems and Applications (pages 137–156): Antoine ChailletChapter 10 A Rigorous Numerical Algorithm for Controllability (pages 157–170): Fritz Colonius and Tomasz KapelaChapter 11 Dead?locks and Break of Symmetry in Robot Coordination (pages 171–185): Isaac Corro Ramos and Benedetto PiccoliChapter 12 Iterative Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (pages 187–210): J.R. CueliChapter 13 Transient Stabilization and Voltage Regulation of a Synchronous Generator (pages 211–225): Gilney Damm, Francoise Lamnabhi?Lagarrigue, Riccardo Marino and Cristiano Maria VerrelliChapter 14 A Current?based Approach to Wave Reflection Suppression in AC Drives Fed through Long Cables (pages 227–261): Alessandro de RinaldisChapter 15 Stabilizability of Affine Switching Systems (pages 263–275): Elena De Santis, Maria D Di Benedetto and Giordano PolaChapter 16 Observability of Hybrid Automata by Abstraction (pages 277–294): Alessandro D?Innocenzo, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Stefano Di GennaroChapter 17 New Convenient Formula for Impedance Change Calculation in Non?destructive Testing Problems by Control of Eddy Currents (pages 295–305): I.A. Dzenite and M.Ya. AntimirovChapter 18 Dynamic Optimization of Nonlinear Bioreactors (pages 307–327): Maria?Sonia G Garcia, Eva Balsa?Canto, Antonio A Alonso and Julio R BangaChapter 19 About Stability Analysis for Discrete Time Systems with Time Varying Delays (pages 329–340): Laurentiu Hetel, Jamal Daafouz and Claude IungChapter 20 Real?time Implementation of Rotor Flux and Speed Control of Induction Motors using Online Rotor Resistance and Load Torque Adaptation (pages 341–361): Godpromesse Kenne, Tarek Ahmed?Ali, Francoise Lamnabhi?Lagarrigue and Amir ArzandeChapter 21 The On?line Diagnosis of Time Petri Nets Based on Partial Orders (pages 363–391): G Jiroveanu, B.De Schutter and R.K BoelChapter 22 Optimization Methods for the Sphere Packing Problem on Grassmannians (pages 393–408): Christian Lageman and Uwe HelmkeChapter 23 Analytical Solution of the Problem on a Magnetohydrodynamic Flow in the Initial Part of a Plane Channel in a Transverse Magnetic Field in Oseen Approximation (pages 409–418): Elena Ligere and Maximilian AntimirovChapter 24 A Formation Control Algorithm using Voronoi Regions (pages 419–434): Magnus Lindhe and Karl Henrik JohanssonChapter 25 Output Delay Systems Tracking Using System Centre Approach and Sliding Mode Control (pages 435–450): Gang Liu, Alan S.I. Zinober and Yuri B ShtesselChapter 26 State?Linearization of Positive Nonlinear Systems; Applications to Lotka?Volterra Controlled Dynamics (pages 451–473): Wiktor Malesza and Witold RespondekChapter 27 Energy Transfer via Point Interaction Controls (pages 475–480): Andrea MantileChapter 28 Further Remarks on Stability Crossing Curves of Distributed Delay Systems (pages 481–503): Constantin Irinel Morarescu and Silviu?Iulian NiculescuChapter 29 A New Adaptive Controller for Systems with Multilinear Parameterization (pages 505–521): Mariana Netto, Anuradha Annaswamy, Said Mammary and Nicoleta MinoiuChapter 30 Hybrid Model Predictive Control Applied on Sewer Networks (pages 523–539): Carlos Ocampo?Martinez, Ari Ingimundarson, Vicenc Puig and Joseba QuevedoChapter 31 Realization Theory of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems (pages 541–570): Mihaly Petreczky and Jean?Baptiste PometChapter 32 Adaptive Sliding Mode Observer Based Uncertain Chaotic Masking Communication (pages 571–580): Reza Raoufi and Alan S.I. ZinoberChapter 33 Navier?Stokes Equation on a Plane Bounded Domain (pages 585–615): Sergio S. RodriguesChapter 34 Hybrid Predictive Control of a Simulated Chemical Plant (pages 617–633): M. Rodriguez, D. Sarabia and C. de PradaChapter 35 Robust Identification in Nonlinear Dynamic Process Models (pages 635–644): Mari Rodriez?Fernaez, Antonio A. Alonso and Julio R. BangaChapter 36 Generic Families and Generic Bifurcations of Control?Affine Systems (pages 645–671): Marek Wojciech Rupniewski and Witold RespondekChapter 37 Sliding Control and Optimization in a Full Bridge Boost Converter (pages 673–688): Luis M. Sanz, Alan S.I. Zinober, Domingo Biel, Enric Fossas and Josep M. OlmChapter 38 Feedback Stabilization of the Periodic Operation of an Hybrid Chemical Plant (pages 689–698): Iliyana Simeonova, Francois Warichet, Georges Bastin, Denis Dochain and Yves PochetChapter 39 Fast Tracking of Poiseuille Trajectories in Navier Stokes 2D Channel Flow (pages 699–720): Rafael Vauez, Emmanuel Tre and Jean?Michel CoronChapter 40 Some Remarks on Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity? Based Control of Mechanical Systems (pages 721–735): G. Viola, Banavar, J. A. Acosta and A. Astolfi