The Interaction of Analysis and Geometry: International School-Conference on Analysis and Geometry, August 23-September 3, 2004, Novosibirsk, Russia By V. I. Burenkov, T. Iwaniec, S. K. Vodopianov (ed.)
2007 | 354 Pages | ISBN: 0821840606 | DJVU | 4 MB
2007 | 354 Pages | ISBN: 0821840606 | DJVU | 4 MB
The papers in this volume are based on talks given at the International Conference on Analysis and Geometry in honor of the 75th birthday of Yurii Reshetnyak (Novosibirsk, 2004). The topics include geometry of spaces with bounded curvature in the sense of Alexandrov, quasiconformal mappings and mappings with bounded distortion (quasiregular mappings), nonlinear potential theory, Sobolev spaces, spaces with fractional and generalized smoothness, variational problems, and other modern trends in these areas. Most articles are related to Reshetnyak's original works and demonstrate the vitality of his fundamental contribution in some important fields of mathematics such as the geometry in the ""large"", quasiconformal analysis, Sobolev spaces, potential theory and variational calculus