Raphael's Astronomical Ephemeris of the Planets' Places for 2007 (Raphael's Astronomical Ephemeris of the Planet's Places)

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Raphael's Astronomical Ephemeris of the Planets' Places for 2007 (Raphael's Astronomical Ephemeris of the Planet's Places) By Foulsham Edwin Raphael
2006 | 48 Pages | ISBN: 0572031823 | PDF | 49 MB

Recognised as the most accurate and reliable ephemeris and aspectarian, this book is published annually since 1819. It is a major publication of the year for practising astrologers - both amateur and professional. There will be guaranteed sales to a dedicated and growing readership. Raphael's has a world-wide reputation for accuracy, and includes a comprehensive aspectarian. It is the right tool for calculating accurate astrological charts. As interest in astrology continues to grow, so too have the sales of this accurate working tool. Every astrologer preparing accurate birth charts needs the information in this book. It is widely recognised in its classic livery and for its proven record of reliability and accuracy. "Raphael's Ephemeris" should be displayed in every astrology outlet, general bookshop and mind, body, spirit outlet for maximum sales. It contains daily longitudes of all the planets, tables of houses for London, Liverpool and New York, plus a complete lunar and planetary aspectarian.