The Manga University Culinary Institute, Ryo Katagiri, "The Manga Cookbook, Volume 3: Japanese Fusion Food with Character!"
English | ISBN: 4921205396 | 2018 | EPUB | 192 pages | 42 MB
Illustrated by Ryo Katagiri
For the third volume in its award-winning “Manga Cookbook” series, the Manga University Culinary Institute has come up with an imaginative menu that merges traditional Japanese food with other regional cuisines.
A cast of manga characters introduces each of the 29 recipes, all of which feature illustrated step-by-step instructions. There's a mobile-suit pilot who snacks on umami potato nuggets during a tense showdown in space. And a super-sized sumo wrestler who makes a mighty fine tofu burger. A digital pet that craves furikake-flavored kettle corn. And a Neo-Tokyo cyborg who finds inner peace baking pizza toast.
Plus, Crunchyroll mascot Hime joins the crew for a surprise bonus recipe.
So step into the kitchen with Manga University and make yourself some Japanese fusion food with character!