AutoHotkey Tricks You Ought To Do With Windows (Fourth Edition): If You Do Nothing Else with the Free Autohotkey Software, Thes

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AutoHotkey Tricks You Ought To Do With Windows (Fourth Edition): If You Do Nothing Else with the Free Autohotkey Software, These Tips Are a Must for Windows … (AutoHotkey Tips and Tricks Book 4) by Jack Dunning
English | July 14, 2015 | ASIN: B011POA9FK | 147 Pages | ePub | 2 MB

(Updated June 14, 2017) This AutoHotkey Tricks book offers an introduction to AutoHotkey, the powerful, free, Windows utility software. It's simple to use while adding tons of capability to your Windows computers. In "AutoHotkey Tricks" you'll find practical examples of techniques which demonstrate what AutoHotkey can do for you. Plus, you can immediately implement those quick apps on your PC.
AutoHotkey is one of the easiest scripting languages to use. If you can open Windows Notepad and paste in one line of code, then you can simplify your computing tasks. Whether looking for text auto-correction or automating a favorite Windows program, AutoHotkey is the tool for you.
This book is intended as an overview and introduction to AutoHotkey for people who are unfamiliar with the easy-to-learn, yet powerful Windows scripting language. Many of the tips found here are included in Jack's other AutoHotkey books and can be found on the Web. It is written for those people who are in the process of deciding whether or not AutoHotkey is right for them. ComputoEdge E-Books has published this book, not as a beginner's guide, but as an aid for clearing up the confusion before someone makes a major investment of their personal time in learning AutoHotkey
(For reference, if you own any of Jack's other AutoHotkey books, this book includes indexes to six of his books.)
Jack Dunning writes books about AutoHotkey because he loves making work easier on his Windows computer. He also writes a free beginning blog called Jack's AutoHotkey Blog. Find out more about Jack's books plus free AutoHotkey scripts and apps at ComputorEdge.
If you don't use AutoHotkey with your Windows computer, you should! Whether you're a beginner or experienced programmer, AutoHotkey has something for you. Novices can write simple one line scripts which make everyday Windows computing life easier. Experienced programmers can quickly create pop-up apps which run on any Windows computer–even without AutoHotkey installed. Check it out for yourself in this overview of some of the easiest, yet most important, AutoHotkey capabilities.
"AutoHotkey Tricks" now includes a chapter comparing AutoHotkey vs. AutoIt!
With Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10, AutoHotkey, the most powerful, flexible, free Windows utility software available, anyone can instantly add more of the functions that they want to all of their Windows programs, whether installed on their computer or while working on the Web. AutoHotkey has a universality not found in any other Windows utility–free or paid.
What's Inside "AutoHotkey Tricks":
Chapter One: Add Tailored Signatures to All E-mail and Documents Regardless of Which Windows Program (Local or Web)
Chapter Two: Use AutoHotkey to Instantly Insert Your E-Mail Address into Web Forms (or Anywhere Else)
Chapter Three: Use AutoHotkey to Instantly Turn Hard-to-Type Jargon into Hotstrings for Instant Text Expansion
Chapter Four: Add Currencies Symbols, Special Special Characters, and Fractions Not on Your Keyboard to Any Windows or Web Documents without Computer Gymnastics
Chapter Five: Searching Web Sites Made Easy. Instant Searches of Your Favorite Web Sites.
Chapter Six: Hotkeys to Save Right-clicks. How to Automate Your Windows Context Menus
Chapter Seven: Quickly Open Favorite Folders without a Search in Windows Explorer
Chapter Eight: Using Extra Mouse Buttons and the Wasted Insert Key. Change the Meaning of Your Keyboard Keys.
Chapter Nine: A Beginner's Guide to Stealing AutoHotkey Apps; A Taste of the Thousands of Free Windows AutoHotkey Apps
Chapter Ten: AutoHotkey Versus AutoIt. Which One Is Best for You
See all of Jack's other AutoHotkey books published by ComputorEdge E-Books and available at Amazon:
"A Beginner's Guide to AutoHotkey"
"Deeper Into AutoHotkey"
"AutoHotkey Applications"
" AutoHotkey Regular Expressions"
"AutoHotkey Hotstrings"
"AutoHotkey Hotkeys"