Financial Accounting, 10e

Posted By: roxul

Jerry J. Weygandt, "Financial Accounting, 10e "
English | ISBN: 1119491630 | 2018 | pages | PDF | 18 MB

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More students get accounting when using Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso, Financial Accounting, 10th Edition because of the unique Framework of Success created and refined by the authors based on years of teaching and course design experience. In WileyPLUS and in print, clear and relevant exposition, engaging visuals and videos, and valuable end-of-chapter material work together to build students confidence and mastery of accounting concepts and skills. The new 10th edition of Financial Accounting by Weygandt, Kimmel, and Kieso continues to provide students with a clear and comprehensive introduction to financial accounting and has been thoroughly updated with extensive digital resources to further enhance student learning and success.