Electron Microscopy XIV: Selected, peer reviewed papers from the XIV International Conference on Electron Microscopy (EM2011), June 26-30, 2011, Wisla, Poland By Danuta Stróż, Krystian Prusik
2012 | 346 Pages | ISBN: 3037853816 | PDF | 50 MB
2012 | 346 Pages | ISBN: 3037853816 | PDF | 50 MB
These are the proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Electron Microscopy (EM2011) held in Wisła, Poland from the 26 to 30th June 2011. The goal of the conference was to provide a forum where researchers from many different countries could exchange their latest advances in the field of structural studies, regarding the use of electron microscopic techniques as applied to various materials. Plenary and invited lectures offered overviews of exciting new developments which highlighted the applications of new electron microscopic techniques in physics, chemistry, materials science and in life and earth sciences. The papers cover topics such as electron, holography, tomography, HREM, STEM, EBSD, ED and precession techniques - as well as their application to materials science and related disciplines.